Sometimes you try and attach a purpose and meaning to everything you do........ but there are occasions where you try and enact an entirely non-value add. However, deep within your innate self, you wish that these actions bear the most unexpected and encouraging fruits for yourself.
I am pretty confused person these days. One who is clear only about his professional work and caught in a quagmire when it comes to everything else. Definitely fate has its own ways of squaring things up..... but the way i'm being carried on two foot is something i am unanswerable towards. Be it CAT, Economic times, household responsibilities or any other event which i experience outside the Sarjapur Campus, everything seems to reflect the divine backing. This is because i find things happening at their own behest without my sincere efforts which i percieve are pivotal. Perhaps, i may be enjoying the stage in my life when everything is spoon-fed by the supernatural.
I may not be able to emulate two totalitasian personalities but i guess there is lot to be learnt in terms an eye for detail, the rightful brashness, the eye for analysis, the overwhelming assertiveness, the sense of humour, the indecisive aura. It is my strong feeling that a man evolves with his work and the access to various databases personify the beginning of an analytical evolution.
I have another weekend at my disposal to take memories which will help me the stabilise during the marooned moments next week. Its high time i start envisoning a long-term objective for myself. There are too many short-term goals which seems to play on each other's shoulders without really making it to the brain.
Love is in the air....... infact, it is only in the air and NONE inside -- UnknownIf i get three hours to cut a tree i will spend two hours sharpening my axe -- Abraham LincolnUplifting yourself is sucess but uplifting others is significanct success.