Monday, March 16, 2009

My Answers

Its a great feeling to be answering my question in the Kala Bandar post
  1. When will I write the third WCS Opinion? - Have come half-way by finishing the mobile advertising part and should have completed the mobile cloud part by now. But the Opinion been ensconced with the same status for the past week. But I will definitely complete it by the end of the week.
  2. When will I submit the paper for the Innovation conference? - Have submitted the Opinion to the International Journal for Sustainable Strategic Management : A special issue on Innovation
  3. When will I start quant? - Have started with Data Sufficiency question. The good part is that i scored a 51 in my second attempt
  4. When will I submit the business opportunity identifications? - Thats one serious actionable. Will have to complete by the end of month
  5. When will I be perfectly fine without any glitches in health? - This is something I have minimal answers to. ... host of physical and psychological dicates govern the roost
Its time to probe further

When will I fix a date for the exam?
When will i complete the articles on convergence of banking - telecom and increasing role of bandwidth?
When will I lift up my demotivated self ?

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