Saturday, January 03, 2009

Passing Days worth a Stopping....

I think most of us here will allude to the fact that WE are having the best times of our life !!!
For a change, there are not many contentions and the Likert scale will show a reading of greater than 6 (out of 10) for each plot of the 'pair-wise' compatibility. Another impregnable macrocosm out here is that our traits seem to complement each other in the most sublime fashion. We are packed with consideration, humour, sensitivity, belongingness, prudence, aesthetics and benvolence to name a very FEW of the existing vibes.

No wonder, the last week has been phenomenal and i can proudly say that IT ALL STARTED WITH MY BIRTHDAY!!! Life has been very kind since..... I have bandied myself on occassions regarding my stoicism and it has been a unanimous shift to the pole of credence, every single time. Alas! I manage to break the myth for my own salutation. Stoicism may not be one of my eternal strenghts anymore. I will surely feel the pinch whenever one of US parts ways. As they say 'ephemerality propels change....'

On the professional front, not may request coming these days, but, my ruminations on the second PoV have shaped well and they have been appositely validated by the reviewers. The only frustration is pertaining to the release of the first PoV. I think i should be ready to the last detail and only then will it bechance (Isimply adore this word). There is lots more to strategise....its the appraisal discussion which is a necessity for further concordance.

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him, his own"

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