It is the time when I need to put hard stops and initiate hard starts in life. Impatience is beginning to overpower my though circles and suspicion seems to expand its ripples beyond the peripheral concentric.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Relieved Or Not??
It is the time when I need to put hard stops and initiate hard starts in life. Impatience is beginning to overpower my though circles and suspicion seems to expand its ripples beyond the peripheral concentric.
Monday, November 02, 2009
What Einstein had to say... and What we have to comprehend
I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves -- this critical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty. The ideals that have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. Without the sense of kinship with men of like mind, without the occupation with the objective world, the eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific endeavors, life would have seemed empty to me. The trite objects of human efforts -- possessions, outward success, luxury -- have always seemed to me contemptible.
"My passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility has always contrasted oddly with my pronounced lack of need for direct contact with other human beings and human communities. I am truly a 'lone traveler' and have never belonged to my country, my home, my friends, or even my immediate family, with my whole heart; in the face of all these ties, I have never lost a sense of distance and a need for solitude..."
Right said mate........ and I would echo the above words to a great extent. It has been these unusual thoughts that have usurped my mind of late. I am beginning to realise the larger intended purpose of my creation. And the incorrigible entropy is to facilitate the much needed change in others' lives. We all know that entropy increases as a matter and energy in the universe that eventually culminates into a state of inert uniformity... but then its the entropy that brings about the uniformity. This is a logical testimony to the fact that there exists within us a supernatural capability of becoming the harbinger of change in other people's lives....... and keep bringing them until they fear no further change, a state where they would accept change as visceral.
Lot of things have happened of late. Visited the environmentally blessed UK (although with a task to point out chasms in BT's environmental strategy), travelled extensively (although had only 2 completely free weekends out of the total of 6 weekends) and most importantly developed the art of initiating new conversations and making new friends. Although, there seems to be a lot of uncertainity in the future in terms of my location and profile... even at a month's interval......... I seem to be enjoying the precarious signals that life seems to offer. However, all said and done - the recent travails have instilled a sense of self belief along with an evident boldness to give it back during times of opprobrium. And this is what I call the state of verity, where there exists a judicious mix of immanence and transcendence in thoughts, actions and words.
Swati would definitely agree that I would have brought tons of change in her outlook towards life. Although, we may take different roads up north and south some time soon, there remains the fearless ability to darn that we would call a mutual contribution to each other's strenghts. I may not be able to do a lot for her as it has always been the other way round.
Pankaj may struggle with his work-life balance, but I have always tried to wrap that blanket of positivity that he so crazily aspires for. Pessimism does him in on most occassions but I should continue to give him my wise (atleast I would want to believe that) conunsel time and again.
Ruch had a huge conundrum to come out of....... and I guess my perspectives brought about the much needed change in her life. I would always have to play the role of the precursor and ensure the sustenance she so richly deserves. Notwithstanding, all that she is doing for me.
Bangalore Gang has been the highlight of the numerous memories of late. I played the role of a mere observer on most occassions, often leveraging on the good work of many others. But here I am, at a stage when I can effectively hearld the change that each one so dearly wishes to have. Badly want to help Dhruv and Yatendra get a new chore for themselves, but my realm of influence seems to be extremely limited now. Its been great to have Anuj in my team and it would be great if we could complement each other in the MBS initiatives as well. I am sure for the numerous questions he has, my answers would fortell a stronger approach for him. Would want to spend a few hours with Dhawal, Anubha, Suman and Marut and am sure can bring out a novel thought dimension in their outlook towards life (Dhawal seems to be toughest nut to crack... although he easily wilted under the lavish praise that I subjected him to in my recent email)
Corbett Gang has an intersection with the Bangalore Gang, but have to revive my interactions with each one to a degree beyond the cursory greetings (read ridiculing). Did try to find a chore for Khandu ji but it was heartening to know that he found his way to Mumbai and is doing what a Baniya does best. Jayant continues to crib but its more about the cup he choses to have the coffee rather than the coffee. But the contemporary highlight has been the stitch in the straw with Sharma and I tried to the best of my limited abilities to help him with his letters and essays. It was a great meeting him (...I just cannot wait to get back to London to visit the unexplored). Akshay, Alok and Uniyal would have their own turbulations but I have noticed that pep-talks have started to make unimaginable differences now. Looking beyond the gang, I would consider myself grown in stature if I manage to change the two unfathomable examples of obstination - Johney and Sanjay. These guys are gems who have to be told that to shine is an obvious trait they need to exhibit. I sometimes wonder at the ways in which they tried to enshroud their skill sets.
It is also a time when I strive to bring about the difference in my family beyond monetory and proletarian contributions. Although the efforts would entail statutory warnings, I guess every change requires one and it is only me who can do so.
Of late... quite a few friends have voiced their concerns over me being single. At the same time, they agree that I have evolved as a person and their perception of me has undergone volumes of change (for good .. is my understanding). Although it catches me unawares every single time (and am quite bemused whether I am really so)... but the retort I gave to Anubha today caught my attention. I told her that I will be the changed person, that I am, only till the time I fall for someone (yet again...). For a change, the distant relationship(s) ensured that I took time out to explore many more personas (read Bangalore Gang and many other common friends) and it has been an enthralling experience.
PS: Feel sorry for Ipek. She brought me a drink and I was not there to acknowledge the kind gesture. Someone please activate my international connection soon so that I call and apologise. I might need an approval from Doc... but what reason do I give him???????????
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Frustrations turned down
This concurrence of thoughts and events has to end at any cost. We take steps only to kill the immediate apprehensions but the long-term view seems missing in most of us. And for a change, I am one who believes that there need not be any short-term compromises for achieving the long-term goals..... I have been doing so ... winning immediate battles and at the same time am well in control of the steps required to win the war !!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The title means a manuscript that has been written with the previous text incompletely erased. We all write palimpsests in our minds in forward (or rather) backward looking ways. We do not seem to do away with our past, we are most often anxious as to what future beckons and in the process, we seem to minimize our existentialism in the present.
I used to regret, brood or envy my past and was always of the opinion that I could have achieved much more. It is a different proposition altogether, that I was (in most occasions) the focal point of envy for a lot many others and what amazes me is that each one managed to convince himself/herself that their envy was genuine. The reasons attributed towards such staunch convictions were plausible maws in my overarching speech in life (I meant plausible gaps in my personality). However, when I sit back and try to be envious, my thoughts seem to get caught in an immanent web and I fail to transcend across to look at faults with others. According to me, the entire mankind is sinful, then why do we attribute others as reasons to defend our contemporary sins (read envy in particular)?
Voila!! I now know how to delicately dictate my immanent and transcendent thoughts towards greater glory..... Immanence when down and out.... AND transcendence when elated... because ambitious goals will assuage humility... and propel me towards greater achievements. In the process of realizing and writing these musings, I guess I have overcome the envious vibes to a great extent. But definitely, there is still a long way to go ... before I surmount all the negativity...... and work towards serving mankind is ways that will be rightfully austere; without any disposition for brownie points... :)
I have always wanted to write about her.... my fingers are rearing but my mind has come to a stand-still. Very seldom does it happen that the body concurs but the mind stops......
Aah.. now I remember, that Coorg... thank you buddies.... I am sure all of us had a great time...
As always, Salman Khan rocks... though not many steps to imitate this time around..... neither do I have the college audience nor the critics to downplay upon.......
Love all and hate none.... I am writing this because I am sensing adequate envious vibes from a lot many these days....
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Congeries is the way forward
In short, I used to crib about everything in this world until the moment I looked within... and arrived at a conclusion that if the world is accommodating someone as self-interested as I , I better start respecting every decision and every action directed at me or anyone else for that matter. It is one of my ardent beliefs now that congeries is the way forward and I should strive to evolve as an amenable conciliator.
Ever since, I have been at peace both with myself and my expectation settings. Life appears to be drum-roll and I have begun to savour every visual and grimace has become a word of the past. I started looking forward to vibes from the exterior and bumped onto loads of benevolence.
And let me try to something similar to what Dhruv last entry...
- He does not quite realise the mess he is getting into. He may be enjoying the time and company right now... but I guess it will not be long before the discommodes commence
- She believed that she had found the perfect match- her soul mate. But then came the day when she found out that her match did house similar doles of passion. Agonised and deeply pained, she moved on but looked for him in every other guy. She kept going back ... and still does the same... I wish she gets some respite from her emotional quagmire
- He is one of the most prodigiously talented individuals I have come across... but pessimism and a laid-back approach rule the roost in most of his decisions. He does get an opportunity to come out of his cocoon but these opportunities are never the ones with complete independence... as always.. I wish him all the success in life...
- Riding on to the second boat of relationships, she stumbled a bit but eventually found true love. She even went to the extent of searching about his parents on public domain... a weird act of adhesiveness.. and one find day she decided to close her relationship with him. I just cannot fathom the rationale behind her decision... but my sympathies for him
- He is by far luck-personified... and I have observed opportunities walking all the way to his doorstep only for the entry to be stalled for a little while; courtesy his laziness. He has added a whole new dimension to his existence and I sincerely hope that he is adding feathers to himself rather than trying to stitch the wings (because we need two hands to clap.. and he can afford to dedicate only one hand)
- Her cheer has always brought a smile ... and her vibes rejuvenated the entire surroundings..... but some strange decisions clipped her wings .. and she feels that she can no longer take the exponential growth curve ... because she cannot fly. I can only wish her all the best...
- She may have taken a different path altogether ... without exhaustively experiencing the materialistic world in its entirely. My only wish is that her realisations and learnings do not translate into arrogance whereby one looks down upon people who do not take similar paths. If all of us take that path, then selected individuals will be no longer be of the chosen pedigree.
- He is finally at peace with whatever he is doing in life. He has stopped questioning himself with issues that have no meaning in life. I am extremely happy for him because he has finally deciphered himself after an internal melee.
I challenged everyone's intention... until I looked within.... and like Charles De Gaulle.. started adoring dogs more than humans..
Friday, June 12, 2009
Receded for now...
Your smile meant the world of questions and answers to me...
And your presence as an attachment to my identity instilled the much need iota of confidence within me... in every situation.... in every role and across every pole...
But ALAS.... today... you continue to exist... with incremental flair and poise... while I struggle to make both ends meet when it comes to identifying myself with someone....
I really miss you....
And for all those who have already weaved their imagination webs, I am talking about the city with which I have had to part ways.... NEW DELHI.... It was tough packing from the city and shifting base forever....
I wish I could go back some day and reminisce those acutely nostalgic moments at those extremely commendable hang-outs, temples, grounds and roads...
And I have stopped listening to Delhi-6 .... Another noticeable change... So I was on my way to Dwaraka in the Delhi Metro.... I could see a lot of uncles and aunties proudly flaunting their tags that read Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Environment and others in the ilk. When I finally got to sit, although her constant rambles did divert me and I could not have afforded to stop her.... given the paucity of time... , the gentleman next to me was more keen on facilitating his child's government entrance examination rather than the IIT examination...Such thoughts are perfect indications of changing times.... We all know what stability can provide.... for once, it does break the circuit twice in our consitently inconsistent stock market...
Gung Ho... 6th Pay Commission... and ... UPA...
If only you could have worked for two more years DAD????
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Beneficent diaries
Na paave Kailash mein !!
Mein to tere saath mein bande...
Mein to tere saath mein !!
It is often said that brilliance has its roots in simplicity. The more a person tries to complicate his actions/words/thoughts, the more OFTEN he ends up screwing his stature and respect. I hope people take the appropriate pointers especially during the appraisal seasons.
We had been to Ooty- All of US... and for the first time in my life after class XII do I have no inhibitions in writing US (I may exclude the trip to Jim Corbett though...). For a self-encomium, I have always been a person who derives his energies more from within than outside. However, as time progresses here in Bangalore, I sense a visible dereliction to come out of this cocoon and gander at good times with the Bang Gang. Although, there may not be much of an involvement from my side in any of the activities, but the innate exchanges of words and vibrations amongst the members make me all the more impregnable. There are tremendous (and moreover benevolent) traits exhibited by each one of US ... and I feel that I've got a lot of catching up to do....learn more from others..... in order to effect a auger positioning.
Sometimes issues trouble me beyond description, but the past year has taught me to take everything in the stride and MOVE ON >>>>>>>>>>>>
I screwed GMAT without really coming to know till date a flaw in my approach that may have contributed to the abysmal attempt. But, it is my stint at WCS that keeps me abreast in such dismal times. I have an extremely potent job and this feeling drives my motivation levels and strategic planning initiatives. The two supervisors I have had till date have been the best facilitators .... agreed that I have had my share of differences, but more often that not, the gaps were reconciled to my satisfaction.
I should have moved over to the next pedestal in life, but the failure in GMAT has contributed to current flux in more than one ways. Maybe, it is not a good idea to starkly depend on a few events in life.... we should not look forward to a few select days and expect things to change thereon. Infact, we should reckon a change every day ..... not on a continuous basis ..... but on a Continual one... (Dhawal would agree to the difference between continuous and continual)
Patiently waiting and preparing for the day when I break the jinx
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Happiness and Corporate Governance
Mo ko kahan dhoonde re bande...
Mein to tere paas mein...
Na teerath mein na moorath mein ...
Na ekant nivas mein...
We just need to look inwards to find and realise our innate desires. The only caveat being the fact that you may find what you "need" and not what you "want". If I were to keep other happy through my words and actions, I would want to keep myself content and satisfied at the first place. One's embodiment of hope is not the world's obligation; in fact it is to do with shelving one's egotism and eccentricities.
The world misconstrues itself in glorified ways...
What i saw today makes me skeptical about the cynic and astute outpourings regarding the measures to improve corporate governance in India. I found that one of India's leading companies is writing off its impairment to assets through balance sheets rather than bringing it to the profit and loss account. I strongly feel that the firm should deduct the amount from its net profit but in ground reality, it deducts the amount from the share premium reserve. To surmise, the loss is not reflected in the bottomline and cataclysmic accounting sleights will be used to the hilt by corporates in botox their numbers.
I guess given the current economic downturn, organizations will certainly put one across and get away without disclosing their actual positions.
Long live gulling... We all do it in forward-looking ways
As things would have it, the three protagonists (in the pic) are reasonably happy at these times.... Reasons may vary... expressions may vary too... but extent of enrapture remains...the SAME
Monday, March 23, 2009
1:11 or 11:11
Wonder what future has in the entrenched in its dictates, wonder what it takes....
Having said that, I cannot help but muse that I am surrounded by a lot of considerate and benevolent forces. The maturity quotient is witnessing an exponential rise with every passing day. Thanks to a wonderful coterie of individuals surrounding me and also to the one who supports me in absentia.
I scored 155 in the bowling alley on Sunday. I would regard this as one of my greatest performances just that the greatest performance comes in the game I know the least.
One last thing,it is heartening to see them blushing their way to unison
God effectuated emotions, experiences, feelings, states and attitudes. And then he created love...
Friday, March 20, 2009
The Important link goes missing
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
On the ground with a THUD...
I seem to be getting back to the old ways of discommoding myself. I should have never expected so much from today's visit. It may sound dramatic but it is heartbreaking. Once I start to feel so, the multiplier effect takes centre-stage and every event would appear to be condescending. It may be unprecendented, but even a disc is not able to lift my diluted spirits.
As Radish rightly pointed out, there will be a stage of dedicated detachment and it is all about knowing the coordinates of the end points along with the slope of the fine line, which must be drawn to differentiate the unwanted from the needed.
Am hearing a lot of Gulal and Mohammad Rafi among others. Piyush Mishra rocks with O re Duniya and Aarambh. I look for energetic vibes within tracks and these two are bewilderingly packed with motivational verses.
Yeh Duniya agar Mil bhi Jaaye, tho KYA hain?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Thank you SS

You sent an extremely touching message today.
I was thinking about it while stirring the sugar in my milk in office today. Here comes my retort - " Sometimes we struggle through the bland coffee to the last dip, ONLY to discover sugar crystals prevaricating at the bottom of the cup.
That LIFE for most of us... Sweetened but not Stirred well !!! "
PS : Could have messaged, but I guess you will prefer it this way. I am sure I stir things quite well so that the exhilaration and the vehemence are well adjusted.
Monday, March 16, 2009
My Answers
- When will I write the third WCS Opinion? - Have come half-way by finishing the mobile advertising part and should have completed the mobile cloud part by now. But the Opinion been ensconced with the same status for the past week. But I will definitely complete it by the end of the week.
- When will I submit the paper for the Innovation conference? - Have submitted the Opinion to the International Journal for Sustainable Strategic Management : A special issue on Innovation
- When will I start quant? - Have started with Data Sufficiency question. The good part is that i scored a 51 in my second attempt
- When will I submit the business opportunity identifications? - Thats one serious actionable. Will have to complete by the end of month
- When will I be perfectly fine without any glitches in health? - This is something I have minimal answers to. ... host of physical and psychological dicates govern the roost
When will I fix a date for the exam?
When will i complete the articles on convergence of banking - telecom and increasing role of bandwidth?
When will I lift up my demotivated self ?
Monday, March 02, 2009
What I believe is what I rather not believe..
I believe the sun should never set upon an argument
I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands
I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do
I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem
I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone
I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love 'til you've been cornered
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye
I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul
I believe that family is worth more than money or gold
I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires
I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness
I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed
I believe that God does not endorse TV evangelists
I believe in love surviving death into eternity
Sorry my dear friend... i know you are in trouble and i could decipher your veneration, but Alas some glasses break even before they are moulded.... I am struck and the unusual tactile sensations have given way and I am seemingly incapable of stitching those patches of misery.... but God be with you dost! And your Karma will surely result in better times ahead...
The worst part is that you have an idiot for company who just wants to potray to the world that he is a victim of its windings. You are a definite winner because not only you carry yourself with grace, also because of the fact that you also manage a non-starter
Strengthening the unstrengthened is best anecdotal trait of the impregnable
Friday, February 20, 2009
Delhi 6 - 'Kala Bandar'
Apart from the support cast, Abhishek Bachchan seems to have done the albatross by rising from his ashes, which till date symbolized his pathetic performances. The movie effectuated thoughts back into my schooldays when I used to frequent Chandni Chowk, the Paranthe waali gali and sometimes the Jama Masjid. Although, the coherence between Delhi and Dilli (the city of Hearted) has been highlighted time and again, but I will agree to the contradicting potrayal in Delhi-6. Suhel bears testimony to some of the depictions as his name had the Muslim scent to it and the way he saw the best/worlds of both worlds is wonderful/lamentable.
Delhi- Is it the city where I learnt to abuse, the city where I experienced my first brawl in the pub, the city where I punched a cop and ran for my life or is it the a panoramic facilitator of my identity.
Is it the city where I learned to dance, to play , to lead or is it the city that emanates whenever one my heart. I will never lose the visuals of those lanes and bylanes, those pubs and discs, those schools and colleges, those gardens and playgrounds. It is the city where i experienced affection, consideration and most importantly love. I may have experienced islands of jealousy and envy but it is miniscule when compared to what I witnessed outside Delhi.
At this point, I am reminded of two incidents:
- The flick for a six over point as the ball made contact with the curved portion of the bat. I could not believe I played such a shot. The next ball went over point again for another six. And the very next ball, I recieved the worst of the blows on my head. It was not the ball but the bowler who was livid for conceding the match. What followed will be better if encrypted but the involvement of Inspector Jain was funny.
- The day when I held your hand and said I Like U. It took me ten days of intense preparation. Thats how much is required when you break the ice for the first time in life. I wish I could experience the same insecurity and nervousness for one more time but I am sure, though not overconfident, that there are subtle tricks of the trade which will surface even if my try my best to curb them.
Back to work, first WCS Opinion is released the feedback I have recieved is very encouraged. 'Tele-king', 'Alignment-king' and 'Positioning Professor' are some of the amazing titles I have been conferred on. The second one is almost complete and the last review with Suhel was enkindling. GMAT preparation has started to gain steam and I wish to complete the exam latest by mid-April. The first score of 690 is a decent one to start with. Some questions that I am asking myself these days:
- When will I write the third WCS Opinion?
- When will I submit the paper for the Innovation conference?
- When will I start quant?
- When will I submit the business opportunity identifications?
- When will I be perfectly fine without any glitches in health?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
My Shortest Post....
- Reading Comprehension
- Sentence Correction
- Logical Reasoning
- Get
- Set
- GO.......
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Unending .... turbulations
Notwithstanding, i have always prided myself as someone who has come out all the more stronger, with salient eruditions for company. I guess i am struggling to accentuate the same this time around but then confidence has been the forte. (My Dad always says that Language and Confidence is one's forte. It is only now that i comprehend and second his notion in totality). So let me strengthen my emplacement and instigate the locomotion. 'Nimma Benagaluru' has been the most assertive facilitation i have received till date. And it is high time, i aspire to effectuate my new year resolution... Some concrete strategies and subsequent litigations are required in order to sail through in a politically correct manner.
Some things never change...and i find myself in the same position yet again... as a person who is both looked upto and envied.... and being in the professional space... i can seldom relax or ignore these initial rifts. The cage has got wider and the animals are far from being instinctive. They have been trained in their respective colleges to rip apart the competition and slice and dice the meat (data mining has played its part over here); the caveat being, this is to be done without harming the tethered spirit better known as the 'organisational spirit'. But then i have my past experience as the most aggrandizing vantage. It needs to be a judicous balance between a frown within and a smile on the exterior or vice versa.
Thanks for the Tommy Hilfiger buddies... for a change, I will get to sport a branded watch without an innate motive of impressing. And i can highly indebted towards the bluetooth headsets, flowers, the cake and most importantly the 'green apples'.
Abundant positive vibes are interspersed by negative cocoons.... and this is where you will find the majority of human minds. Hatred, jealousy, false commitments, envy and others in the league are cluttered in these small funnels of negativity. No wonder, the 3G auction is delayed for good.... because everything only stands to increase as the most personal medium ' the mobile phone' will take centre-stage henceforth. And who will discount the power of social networking.
And i will thank the almighty for alleviating my 'egoistic desire' of clearing the CAT. Calls from IIMs L, I and K have proved my credentials to my alter ego. The poignant incongruity is that my 'As-Is' state is better off and I may not join any of these institutes. The law of 'Opportunity costs' has immensely aided in convincing my near and dear one.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Passing Days worth a Stopping....
For a change, there are not many contentions and the Likert scale will show a reading of greater than 6 (out of 10) for each plot of the 'pair-wise' compatibility. Another impregnable macrocosm out here is that our traits seem to complement each other in the most sublime fashion. We are packed with consideration, humour, sensitivity, belongingness, prudence, aesthetics and benvolence to name a very FEW of the existing vibes.
No wonder, the last week has been phenomenal and i can proudly say that IT ALL STARTED WITH MY BIRTHDAY!!! Life has been very kind since..... I have bandied myself on occassions regarding my stoicism and it has been a unanimous shift to the pole of credence, every single time. Alas! I manage to break the myth for my own salutation. Stoicism may not be one of my eternal strenghts anymore. I will surely feel the pinch whenever one of US parts ways. As they say 'ephemerality propels change....'
On the professional front, not may request coming these days, but, my ruminations on the second PoV have shaped well and they have been appositely validated by the reviewers. The only frustration is pertaining to the release of the first PoV. I think i should be ready to the last detail and only then will it bechance (Isimply adore this word). There is lots more to strategise....its the appraisal discussion which is a necessity for further concordance.
"The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him, his own"